Healthcare Law Alert: OMIG Posts New Compliance Resources

Following up on regulations published at the end of December 2022, the New York State Office of the Medicaid Inspector General (OMIG) posted new resources on March 8, 2023, including a Compliance Program Review Module and a webinar providing an overview of the new Part 521 regulations.

As explained in its January 2023 Compliance Program Guidance, OMIG will use this Compliance Program Review Module to assess a program’s overall effectiveness, with scores equal to or greater than 60% being considered “satisfactory”. Once notified that OMIG will conduct a compliance program review, providers are instructed to download the Module, attach any supporting documentation, and submit the completed Module within 30 days. The Module further clarifies the types of supporting documentation OMIG expects to see for each of the required elements of an effective Compliance Program.

This communication is for informational purposes and is not intended as legal advice.