Jul 13, 2021

Webinar – Setting Up LLCs to Purchase Real Estate

Attorneys Richard E. Scrimale and Ally L. Colvin will present “Setting Up LLCs to Purchase Real Estate” to the National Business Institute on July 13, 2021 webinar register: https://www.nbi-sems.com/

Identify Hidden Traps and Get Strategic Guidance for Structuring Entities

Considerable forethought is required before using LLCs to hold real estate, as inadequate planning can open the door to title, asset protection, and financial issues. Whether you’re purchasing property to hold, flip, or rent, you need to make sure your ducks are in a row before you start doing business. Get veteran insights on everything you need to consider at the outset of your first or next real estate venture. Register today!

  • Review the pros and cons of LLCs vs. other holding devices.
  • Learn how to handle business planning and owner issues with confidence.
  • Identify important tax considerations business attorneys should know.
  • Get tips for drafting core provisions in the operating agreement.
  • Anticipate and avoid asset, mortgage, and financing issues.
  • Discover best practices for asset protection, insurance, incorporation state, and other front-end issues.
  • Identify common and costly formation mistakes you need to watch out for.