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Hancock Estabrook, LLP Joins Ford Motor Company’s Legal Alliance for Women in a Global Day of Service

Worldwide Effort Brings Together Volunteers from the Legal Profession to Support More Than 80 Community-Based Organizations

SYRACUSE, New York SEPTEMBER 27, 2018 Joining volunteers around the world, attorneys and staff from Hancock Estabrook took part in the inaugural Global Day of Service, a worldwide initiative spearheaded by Ford Motor Company’s Legal Alliance for Women (LAW), the company’s professional organization focused on women in the legal profession. The coordinated global effort assisted organizations that support the empowerment and well-being of women and girls in their respective communities. Hancock Estabrook is among more than 90 law firms around the world who partnered with LAW to volunteer their time in a day of community service on September 27.

Attorneys and staff from Hancock Estabrook volunteered with the Girls Scouts of NYPENN Pathways to assist with activities at the Camp Hoover facility at Song Lake in Tully, New York. Volunteer tasks included taking down platforms, painting the interiors of cabins and installing LED lights in various areas of the camp.

“Through this day of service, we are aiming to marshal the collective efforts of our partners in the legal profession around the world to give back to the community,” said Beth Rose, assistant general counsel at Ford Motor Company and chairperson of Ford’s LAW. “The passion we share in advocating for and serving our communities extends beyond this one day. It is part of who we are as individuals and drives our community service year round.”

Named a 2018 Best Law Firm by U.S. News & World Report, Hancock Estabrook, LLP is committed to providing excellent service to clients throughout New York State. The Firm provides a broad range of legal services and representation across a variety of industries, disciplines and practice areas, proudly serving as trusted advisors to large corporations, small and medium-sized businesses, nonprofit institutions, governmental entities and individuals. For more information about the Firm and its legal services, visit hancocklaw.com.

Ford Global Day of Service 2018