Jun 24, 2021

Municipal Bootcamp 2021: Session 6 – Planning From (at least) Six Feet Away

New for 2021 Hancock Estabrook and the MRB Group are rolling out a new FREE annual training program to assist local governments, town officials, and planning and zoning boards.

The program will include 10 hours of remote training designed to provide a comprehensive education that encompasses all aspects of municipal governance. Each program in the series will be provided remotely on the fourth Thursday of each month with subject matter experts from the MRB Group and knowledgeable attorneys from Hancock Estabrook, LLP. Topics will be lively, useful and – potentially as important – qualify for the education requirements for members of Planning Boards and Zoning Boards of Appeals.

Thursday, June 24, 2021


Planning and Zoning Board Operations During the Pandemic

The most recent pandemic has affected everything from airline travel to diner food; and planning proceedings are no exception. We’ll share our experiences from the field; walking through some case studies on really cool approaches to keeping the public informed and engaged in the planning process, and ensuring that key projects don’t slip through the cracks.